The veteran’s organization “ Spoken Outdoors” converged at camp from May 3-7 with seventeen participants and five boats on the Madison River! Early May can be full-on springtime. . . or the opposite and we experienced every weather condition imaginable during those days. Fortunately, the vets were well prepared for all conditions and the fish were cooperative, so their time at camp and on the water was productive beyond expectations.

Between hosting individuals and groups, prepping for the upcoming summer is a full-time job for Peter Pauwels and David Poole. While our fleet of watercraft is pride of the valley, maintenance is ever present. The good news is the addition of three exceptionally adept and experienced young people to help share the work. Todd Hoar, Patrick Quinn, and Kristine Merrick have joined our team committed to creating amazing opportunities for disabled.

Ever the inventor, Peter has designed a new Pararaft frame that allows an oarsman in a wheelchair to ferry the craft for another fisherman in a wheelchair. This is a completely new approach that allows yet more independence and access to the remote areas of the Madison.

We’ve now jumped through seemingly every hoop of government bureaucracy, permitting, etc. to be able to complete our boathouse, with high hopes of completion this season.

Your support has given amazing opportunities to numerous veterans and disabled alike. Our appreciation. . . over the top!

A Hearty Thank YOU from the Camp Bullwheel Gang!

Frank Bell- Executive Director
A Sincere Thanks To You!
Frank R. Bell,
736 Varney Rd, Ennis, MT 59729
Registered nonprofit 501C3
Ein# 82-4339859